The Family Car

S-26 conceptSince childhood, Pat Becker dreamed about the day she would sit in her father’s chair as President of Sun Motors. It is her birthright, her legacy. A Becker has always been in charge of Sun since its founding 66 years ago. Today will be Pat’s first in the top job. She takes over a company headed for trouble. Scandal claimed her brother Bill, fired yesterday by Sun’s board of directors. Increasingly capable competition, a government with a sudden urge to regulate the auto industry, and union agitation threaten the company’s future. She faces another challenge that may prove to be even tougher— the automakers are a man’s world, a place where a woman in charge will not be welcomed.

Truth be told, Bill Becker’s two year tenure as President seriously weakened Sun, but he is not done yet. Far from vanquished, Bill convinces the board to seek a merger with a larger automaker. Sun Motors has a rich history, beginning in the early days of the American auto industry, a history that shaped the Becker family over three generations. Sun’s journey, from its founding to the present, in 1971, creates the family legacy that Bill wishes to end and Pat feels compelled to protect.

Family car coverThe Family Car takes place in a historically accurate setting.  The company’s development inside the most dynamic 20th century American industry shapes the Becker family and the other important people that led the company to success.  It’s a diverse and capable group, whose lives interact to create a unique story.

The Family Car will soon be published in both soft cover and electronic formats.   

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